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our super power is the right deliverance

our facility
to Transmission Lines
Transmission line SBU is the primary business vertical of the company. It manufactures entire range of Transmission Line Towers used in Power transmission & Distribution (T&D), having manufacturing facility at Baripada, Dist. Mayurbhanj making New Modern Technomech one of the largest tower manufacturing facility in India.

We have a dedicated project wing and we are capable to execute turnkey contracts. We have inhouse designing and manufacturing facility, detail engineering, tendering wing, procurement wing and execution wing.
It's All About Development & Infrastructure
Transmission projects
delivered recently

EPC projects listings
Line Projects (EPC)
Sub-Station, Edappon from existing Kayamkulam –Edamon, Kerela
Supply of materials and Construction of 8.561KM of 220KV DC LILO Line to 220KV Sub-Station, Edappon from existing Kayamkulam –Edamon 220KV DC Feeder
Client - Kerala State Electricity Board
Contract Value - ₹ 26,63,06,091.00

Design, Engineering , supply , erection and commissioning of 400KV SEL LILO Line work between Raipur-Rourkela for SEL IPP (4x600MW power plant) – 30 KM
Client - Sterlite Energy Ltd, Odisha, Jharsuguda
Contract Value - ₹ 34,59,60,081.00

Odisha Road Division Project
Design, supply, erection, testing & Commissioning of 132KV single circuit two phase line on DC Tower from Keonjar –TSS to Harichandanpur-TSS including 132/25 KV, 2x21.6MVA, Traction Sub-Station at Harich -andanpur and their associate equipments in Tomka –Jaroli section under Khurda Road Division of East Coast Railway
Client - East Coast Railways
Contract Value - ₹ 20,42,93,902.00

Sub-Station at Barbil, BHubaneshwar
Supply of equipment and materials & Construction 2x20MVA, 132KV/33KV Grid Sub-Station at Barbil with Associated 132KV LILO Lines of OPTCL
Client - (CPC), OPTCL, Bhubaneshwar
Date of Award - 03-02-2014
Contract Value - ₹ 12,10,86,168.00

KSEB Ltd - Thalasserry Substation
Conversion of 20.626KM 110KV SC Line from tap point of 110KV Thalasserry Substation to tap point of 110KV Vadakara Sub-Station.
Client - KSEB
Date of Award - 08-08-2016
Contract Value - ₹ 5,23,70,339.00

Restoration of different transmission lines of BSPTCL by constructing pile foundations/ height raising.
Client - BSPTCL
Date of Award - Ongoing
Contract Value - ₹ 16,58,20,797.00

Kerala State Electricity Board Project
Design and Construction of 20Kms of 220KV DC LILO feeder from Veeyapuram to Punnapra sub-station from the existing 220KV Kayamkulam- Pallom feeder line including supply of materials on contract basis.
Client - KSEB
Date of Award - 18-08-2014
Contract Value - ₹ 32,35,01,830.00

KSEB Ltd - Transmission Line from Pothencode to Kattakada
Balance work of construction of 220KV DC Transmission Line from Pothencode to Kattakada including supply of materials under Transmission Circle , KSEB Ltd., Thiruvananthapuram
Client - KSEB
Date of Award - 06-07-2017
Contract Value - ₹ 23,54,83,767.00

BSPTCL, Patna - D/C tower from Masrakh GSS to Rajapatti TSS
Construction of one no. 132kv single circuit transmission line (2-phase strung) on D/C tower from Masrakh GSS to Rajapatti TSS & One no. 132 kv Bay at GSS mashkarsh on turnkey basis.
Client - BSPTCL
Date of Award - Ongoing
Contract Value - ₹ 6,45,24,670.00

Constrciution of 132 kv transmission line (2-phase) from Jamalpur (BSPTCL) to Jamalpur (TSS) of route length 5.0KM (4.0 KM through overhead and 01km through underground XLPE cable) and 01 no. associated 132 kv line bay at jamalpur on turnkey basis.
Client - BSPTCL
Date of Award - Ongoing
Contract Value - ₹ 10,58,84,791.00

Construction of one no. 132kv single circuit transmission line (2-phase strung) on D/C tower from Masrakh GSS to Rajapatti TSS & One no. 132 kv Bay at GSS mashkarsh on turnkey basis.
Client - BSPTCL
Date of Award - Ongoing
Contract Value - ₹ 6,45,24,670.00

Transmission projects
Transmission Projects
Design, manufacture, testing at manufacture’s works and delivery of equipments required for second circuit stringing of 220 kv DCSS Darbhanga (400/200 KV)- Samastipur (New) Transmission line (Line Length -48 KM) with ACSR Zebra Conductor on turnkey basis.
Client - BSPTCL
Date Awarded - Ongoing
Contract Value - ₹ 8,24,92,124.00

Corporate Office:-
New Modern Technomech Pvt. Ltd.
4th Floor, Building no.127, Sector - 44, Gurugram - 122002, Haryana
Registered Office:-
New Modern Technomech Pvt. Ltd.
S-2/29, Chhancha Industrial Estate,
Station Bazar, Baripada, Mayurbhanj,
Contact no:- +91-8851883645
Landline:- 011-41811104 / 06792-262925